Installing the Bridge  

Getting the shelf ready for the western abutment


Placing the western abutment

Prepping the east side of the bridge

Placing the eastern abutment

Tim Hart looking at the final alignment

Getting everything lined up
Two large shovels manage to dance around each other

Conference before finalizing the eastern abutment.
The bridge had to have a slight downward angle to avoid puddling of water.
L-R Justin, Tim Hart, Jim Murphy, Jake


Everything is finalized.
Note the "norsk hytte" cabin upper left

Removing the wheels

Building the west approach

Driving across for the first time

Eric and his dump truck adding some fines to the east side

Adding a topping to the east rise.
This was nice 4" mixed asphalt and concrete used on all of the new roads.
We felt that some of this must be from the seattle viaduct

View time lapse videos of the three day operation


Day 2  

Day 3



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Unloading and Moving the Bridge

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